Previous Events

YearEventVenueOrganizerNo. of participants
2024Obeležavanje 45 godina Centra za pedijatriju – Služba nefrologijeBelgrade, SerbiaUniverzitetska dečja klinika, Nefrološka sekcija SLD, Pedijatrijski Aktiv Nefrološke sekcije100
20247th Eastern European Regional Veterinary ConferenceBelgrade, SerbiaEuropean Economic Interest Group1400
202454th Congress of the European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies – EABCT 2024Belgrade, SerbiaEABCT, Germany with ACBTS, Serbia and SRABCT, Serbia1460
202434th EUROPEAN COLLEGE OF GERODONTOLOGY CONGRESSBelgrade, SrbijaFaculty of Dentistry, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia185
2024Škola ultrazvuka u oftalmologijiTopola, SrbijaUdruženje oftalmologa Srbije20
2024PROLEĆNI SIMPOZIJUM UDRUŽENJA PROTETIČARA SRBIJE – PROS 24Zlatibor, SrbijaUdruženje protetičara Srbije260
2024SYMPOSIUM - VARIETIES OF PLASMA CELL DISCRASIAS: WHERE DO WE STAND TODAYBelgrade, SerbiaSerbian Myeloma Group & Medical Faculty University of Belgrade

2024Annual Meeting of EuChemS Division of Chemistry and the Environment (DCE)Belgrade, SerbiaSerbian Chemical Society40
2024European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies – General Meeting 2024Crowne Plaza, Belgrade, SerbiaAssociation for Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies of Serbia60
2024Proslava 40. godišnjice Klinike za nefrologiju UKCSHotel Crowne Plaza, BeogradKlinika za nefrologiju Univerzitetskog Kliničkog centra Srbije200
2023Simpozijum Sekcije za oralnu hirurgiju i implantologiju Srbije - SOHISBelgrade, SerbiaSekcija za oralnu hirurgiju i oralnu implantologiju Srbije SLD350
2023Iskustva i dileme u kontinuiranim modalitetima zamene funkcije bubregaNovi Sad, Hotel SheratonNefrološka sekcija SLD90
20236th Eastern European Regional Veterinary ConferenceThessaloniki, GreeceEuropean Economic Interest Group1200
2023ICT-16 – International Conference on TrichinellosisBelgrade, SerbiaINEP70
2023Škola ultrazvuka u oftalmologijiTopola, SrbijaUdruženje oftalmologa Srbije20
202314th Congress on Noise as a Public Health Problem - ICBEN 2023Belgrade, SerbiaICBEN140
2023Sastanak Sekcije za oralnu hirurgiju i implantologiju Srbije – SOHISVrnjacka Banja, SrbijaUdruženje oralnih hirurga i oralnih implantologa Srbije250
20239. SIMPOZIJUM Hemija i zaštita životne sredine „ENVIROCHEM2023”Hotel Djerdap, Kladovo, SrbijaSerbian Chemical Society90
2023CME Symposium “MULTIPLE MYELOMA AND RELATED PLASMA CELL DISORDERS: DIAGNOSTICS AND TREATMENT”Belgrade, SerbiaSerbian Myeloma Group & Medical Faculty University of Belgrade145
2023AMILOIDOZA: JEDNA ILI VIŠE RAZLIČITIH BOLESTI?Belgrade, SerbiaSerbian Myeloma Group & Medical Faculty University of Belgrade100
202315TH EPIZONE Annual MeetingNovi Sad, SerbiaEPIZONE ERG & Scientific Veterinary Institute Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia170
202218. Simpozijum Sekcije za oralnu hirurgiju i implantologiju SrbijeBelgrade, SerbiaSekcija za oralnu hirurgiju i oralnu implantologiju Srbije SLD560
2022IX Symposium: Allogeneic stem cell transplantation in the treatment of malignant hemopathies: challenges in the clinical practiceBelgrade, SerbiaMilitary Medical Academy, Clinic of Hematology120
202224th European Society of Veterinary Clinical Pathology Annual CongressBelgrade, SerbiaEuropean Society of Veterinary Clinical Pathology150
2022Škola ultrazvučne dijagnostike u oftalmologijiSombor, SerbiaSerbian Association of Ophthalmologists20
2022Sastanak Sekcije za oralnu hirurgiju i implantologiju SrbijeKopaonik, SerbiaUdruženje oralnih hirurga i oralnih implantologa Srbije250
2022Hepatitis C i bubregBelgrade, SerbiaSerbian Society of Nephrology165
20225th Eastern European Regional Veterinary ConferenceLjubljana, SloveniaEuropean Economic Interest Group1100
2022Dijaliza u KBC „Dr Dragiša Mišović – Dedinje“:
Korak po korak napred
Belgrade, SerbiaNefrološka sekcija SLD100
2022Medikamentozno lečenje SHPT kod bolesnika u terminalnoj bubrežnoj slabosti zavisnih od dijalizeBelgrade, SerbiaNefrološka sekcija SLD130
202121st European Meeting on Environmental ChemistryNovi Sad, SerbiaAssociation of Environmental Chemistry and Serbian Chemical Society160
202117. Simpozijum oralnih hirurga i oralnih implantologa SrbijeBelgrade, SerbiaUdruženje oralnih hirurga i oralnih implantologa Srbije400
2021Godišnji sastanak Aktiva za multipli mijelom SLDBelgrade, SerbiaSerbian Myeloma Group25
202113th European Multicolloquium of Parasitology – EMOP2021Belgrade, SerbiaEuropean Federation of Parasitology
Serbian Society for Parasitology
2021School of Ultrasound Diagnostics in OphthalmologySombor, SerbiaSerbian Association of Ophthalmologists20
2021SYNERGY 4.0 - 4th Annual Symposium of the Serbian Society of Esthetic DentistryBelgrade, SerbiaSerbian Society for Esthetic Dentistry170
2020School of Ultrasound Diagnostics in OphthalmologySombor, SerbiaSerbian Association of Ophthalmologists20
2020Retina WeekendBelgrade, SerbiaUdruženja oftalmologa Srbije250
2020Nefrološka sekcija SLDBelgrade, SerbiaVMA Nephrology Clinic100
2019EERVC 2019, Eastern European Regional Veterinary ConferenceThessaloniki, GreeceEuropean Economic Interest Group1350
20194th Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Congress of South-East EuropeBelgrade, SerbiaTechnical Metallurgical Faculty, University of Belgrade100
2019FENS Regional Meeting 2019Belgrade, SerbiaSerbian Neuroscience Society860
2019School of Ultrasound Diagnostics in OphthalmologyBanja Koviljaca, SerbiaSerbian Association of Ophthalmologists20
2019Multipli Myeloma 2019: Modern diagnostics and treatment of patients in the relapse of multiple myelomaBelgrade, SerbiaSerbian Myeloma Group150
20195th Serbian Congress of NephrologistsBelgrade, SerbiaSerbian Association of Nephrologists350
2019School of NephrologyNovi Sad, SerbiaSerbian Society of Nephrology120
2018FACTORS OF SIGNIFICANCE FOR LONG-TERM PURIFICATION OF PATIENTS ON CHRONIC DIALYSISPirot, SerbiaSerbian Medical Society, Section of Nephrology & Military Medical Academy, Clinic of Nephrology & General Hospital Pirot120
2018Modern methods of treating acute kidney diseaseNovi Sad, SerbiaClinical Centre of Vojvodina130
201840 years of experience of the Dialysis Center in PozarevacPozarevac, SerbiaSerbian Medical Society, Section of Nephrology & General Hospital Požarevac130
2018VIII Symposium on Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation in the Treatment of Malignant HemopathiesBelgrade, SerbiaMilitary Medical Academy, Clinic of Hematology160
2018Annual meeting of the Association of Myeloma Patients of SerbiaBelgrade, SerbiaAssociation of Myeloma Patients of Serbia70
2018School of Kidney TransplantationBelgrade, SerbiaSerbian Society of Nephrology140
2018ERA-EDTA Young Nephrologist's Platform CME CoursBelgrade, SerbiaERA-EDTA90
2018Gastrointestinalne i hepatološke komplikacije kod bolesnika sa hroničnim bolestima bubregaBelgrade, SerbiaSerbian Medical Society, Section of Nephrology90
2018EERVC 2018 Eastern European Regional Veterinary ConferenceZagreb, CroatiaEuropean Economic Interest Group1250
2018Humboldt Kolleg 2018 Sustainable Development and Climate ChangeBelgrade, SerbiaHumboldt Club Serbia160
2018BEOGRADSKI LIMFOMSKI DANIBelgrade, SerbiaSerbian Lymphoma Group170
2018School of Ultrasound Diagnostics in OphthalmologySrebrno jezero, SerbiaSerbian Association of Ophthalmologists20
2018Multipli Myeloma 2018: Standards, past experiences and perspectivesBelgrade, SerbiaSerbian Myeloma Group140
2018Balkan endemic nephropathy and urothelial tumors - modern diagnostics and perspectivesNis, SerbiaSerbian Medical Society – Nephrology Section120
2018World Kidney Day - Kidney and Woman's HealthBelgrade, SerbiaSerbian Association of Nephrologists190
2018Scientific Symposium regarding the World Kidney Day - Liver disease and kidney damage in clinical practiceKragujevac, SerbiaUniversity of Kragujevac, Faculty of Medicine120
2017Constitutive Meeting of the Balkan Myeloma InitiativeBelgrade, SerbiaBalkan Myeloma Group50
2017Scientific Symposium regarding the World Kidney Day "Ultrasound in Clinical Nephrology"Kragujevac, SerbiaUniversity of Kragujevac, Faculty of Medicine120
20173rd Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Congress of South-East EuropeBelgrade, SerbiaTechnical Metallurgical Faculty, University of Belgrade120
2017School of hemodyalises: "Treatment with dialysis of patients with acute and termirial renal failure. Can we do better?Novi Sad, SerbiaClinical Center of Vokvodina, Clinics for Nephrology and Nephrology Division of the Serbian Medical Society120
2017School of Ultrasound in OphthalmologySremski Karlovci, SerbiaSerbian Association of Ophthalmologists20
20179th School of peritoneum dialysis: "Novelties in the prevention and treatment of peritonitis and cardiovascular diseases in patients on peritoneal dialysis"Novi Sad, SerbiaMilitary Medical Academy and Nephrology Division of the Serbian Medical Society100
201755 years of hemodialysis in SerbiaBelgrade, SerbiaClinical Hospital Centar, Nephrology Department150
20178th International Congress on Trends in Medical Mycology - TIMM8Belgrade, SerbiaEuropean Confederation of Medical Mycology (ECMM) and Serbian Society Of Medical Mycology1200
20172nd Eastern European Regional Veterinary Conference - EERVCBucharest, RomaniaEuropean Economic Interesting Group1900
20164. Symposium - diagnosis and therapy of fungal diseases - DTGOBelgrade, SerbiaSerbian Society of Medical Mycology100
2016First Regional Youth Health CongressBelgrade, SerbiaInstitute for Students Healthcare, Belgrade250
2016European Society of Ophthalmology (SOE) Annual MeetingBelgrade, SerbiaEuropean Society of Ophthalmology and Serbian Association of Ophthalmologists80
201617th Serbian Congress of OphthalmologistsBelgrade, SerbiaSerbian Association of Ophthalmologists700
2016School of Ultrasound in OphthalmologySremski Karlovci, SerbiaSerbian Association of Ophthalmologists20
20164th Serbian Congress of NephrologistsBelgrade, SerbiaSerbian Association of Nephrologists350
20161st Eastern European Regional Veterinary Conference - EERVCBelgrade, SerbiaEuropean Economic Interesting Group1200
2015FP1306 COST Action (LIGNOVAL) - First Workshop and 2nd MC MeetingBelgrade, SerbiaTechnical Metallurgical Faculty, University of Belgrade100
20152nd Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Congress of South-East EuropeBelgrade, SerbiaTechnical Metallurgical Faculty, University of Belgrade120
2015ADRIA Patients ForumBelgrade, SerbiaAssociation for Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis of Serbia
2015School of Ultrasound in OphthalmologyPalic, SerbiaSerbian Association of Ophthalmologists20
201516th Serbian Congress of OphthalmologistsBelgrade, SerbiaSerbian Association of Ophthalmologists700
2014SNAP-SEE: Planning Aggregates SupplyBelgrade, SerbiaUniversity of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology80
2014School of Ultrasound in OphthalmologyPalic, SerbiaSerbian Association of Ophthalmologists20
20143rd Serbian Congress of NephrologistsBelgrade, SerbiaSerbian Association of Nephrologists350
2013FECAVA ANNUAL MEETING Federation of European Companion Animal Veterinary AssociationsBelgrade, SerbiaFECAVA and SASAP40
2013SCHAER GLUTEN-FREE DAYBelgrade, SerbiaDr Schaer, Austria2500
2013School of HemodyalisesNis, SerbiaSerbian Association of Nephrologists150
20137th School of Peritoneal DialysisDivcibare, SerbiaSerbian Association of Nephrologists150
2013Humboldt-Kolleg: Resources of Danubian RegionBelgrade, SerbiaHumboldt-Club Serbia, Belgrade150
20131st Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Congress of South-East EuropeBelgrade, SerbiaTechnical Metallurgical Faculty, University of Belgrade100
20136th International symposium on high pressure processes technologyBelgrade, SerbiaEuropean Federation of Chemical Engineering Working Party on High-Pressure Technology, Association of Chemical Engineers of Serbia90
2013School of Ultrasound in OphthalmologyPalic, SerbiaSerbian Association of Ophthalmologists20
201314th Serbian Congress of OphthalmologistsZlatibor, SerbiaSerbian Association of Ophthalmologists700
2013ERA-EDTA CME Course: Advances in Ktx - can we do it better?Belgrade, SerbiaERA-EDTA with Serbian Association of Nephrologists80
20122nd Serbian Congress of NephrologistsBelgrade, SerbiaSerbian Association of Nephrologists350
201213th Serbian Congress of OphthalmologistsBelgrade, SerbiaSerbian Association of Ophthalmologists700
2011SARMa - Sustainable Approach to Aggregates Regional Workshop and Study VisitBelgrade, SerbiaFaculty of Mining and Geology at the University of Belgrade100
2011Celebration of the 90 years of existence of the University Eye Clinic, BelgradeBelgrade, SerbiaSerbian Clinical Centre, University Eye Clinic800
2011XVI European Congress on Analytical Chemistry EUROanalysis XVIBelgrade, SerbiaDivision of Analytical Chemistry of the EuCheMS with Division of Analytical Chemistry of the Serbian Chemical Society650
2011South-East European GAMING EXPOBelgrade, SerbiaMultisolutions, Belgrade15000 per year
201116th Serbian Congress on of HaematologyBelgrade, SerbiaSerbian Haematology Society150
20116th Balkan Day of HaematologyBelgrade, SerbiaSerbian Haematology Society150
20102nd Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry for South-East EuropeBelgrade, SerbiaSerbian Chemical Society220
2010Humboldt-Kolleg: Education and Science in TransitionBelgrade, SerbiaHumboldt-Club Serbia, Belgrade150
2010South-East European GAMING EXPOBelgrade, SerbiaMultisolutions, Belgrade15000
2010INTERGEO EAST - Trade Fair and Conference for Land Management, Geoinformation, Building Industry, EnvironmentIstambul, TurkeyHINTE Messe, Germany5000
2010PSM4 - 4th International Conference - Processing and Structure of MaterialsPalic, SerbiaTechnical Metallurgical Faculty, University of Belgrade100
20101st Serbian Congress of NephrologistsBelgrade, SerbiaSerbian Association of Nephrologists350
2009ISN COMGAN CME Course: 4th Up-to-date in NephrologyBelgrade, SerbiaISN & Serbian Association of Nephrologists100
20094th Pain SymposiumBelgrade, SerbiaSerbian Association of Anaesthesiologists150
2009South-East European GAMING EXPOBelgrade, SerbiaMultisolutions, Belgrade15000
2009INTERGEO EAST - Trade Fair and Conference for Land Management, Geoinformation, Building Industry, EnvironmentBelgrade, SerbiaHINTE Messe, Germany5000
20083rd Pain SymposiumBelgrade, SerbiaSerbian Association of Anaesthesiologists150
2008INTERGEO EAST - Trade Fair and Conference for Land Management, Geoinformation, Building Industry, EnvironmentSofia, BulgariaHINTE Messe, Germany5000
2008South-East European GAMING EXPOBelgrade, SerbiaMultisolutions, Belgrade15000
20086th Balkan Congress of RadiologyVrnjacka Banja, SerbiaRadiological Society of Serbia300
2007INTERGEO EAST - Trade Fair and Conference for Land Management, Geoinformation, Building Industry, EnvironmentBelgrade, SerbiaHINTE Messe, Germany5000
2007South-East European GAMING EXPOBelgrade, SerbiaMultisolutions, Belgrade15000
2007InterMEDICA & InterDENTAL - International Exhibition on Medical and Dental DevicesBelgrade, SerbiaSerbian Chamber of Commerce7000
20078th Congress of Balkans Cities Association of Nephrology, Dialysis, Transplantation and Artificial Organs
8th BANTAO Congress
Belgrade, SerbiaSerbian Association of Nephrologists700
20062nd Meeting of South-Eastern European Paediatric Nephrology Working Group - SEPNWG2Belgrade, SerbiaSerbian Society of Paediatric Nephrology140
2006International Tourism FairBelgrade, SerbiaBelgrade Fair, Belgrade100000
2006Workshop on Sustainable Plastics, EDP's and use of Renewable FeedstocksBelgrade, SerbiaSerbian Chemical Society80
2006INTERGEO EAST - Trade Fair and Conference for Land Management, Geoinformation, Building Industry, EnvironmentZagreb, CroatiaHINTE Messe, Germany5000
20064th European Summer School on Electrochemical EngineeringPalic, SerbiaSerbian Chemical Society100
2005International Tourism FairBelgrade, SerbiaBelgrade Fair, Belgrade100000
2005CONBAK EXPO BALKAN 2005 - Confectionary and Bakery Products, Ingredients, Machines and Equipment International ExhibitionBelgrade, SerbiaA&L EXPO, Belgrade3000
20054th PACKTECH EXPO BALKAN 2005 - International Trade Fair of Packaging Materials, Machinery and AppliancesBelgrade, SerbiaA&L EXPO, Belgrade3000
2005INTERGEO EAST - Trade Fair and Conference for Land Management, Geoinformation, Building Industry, EnvironmentBelgrade, SerbiaHINTE Messe, Germany5000
2005DOMO EXPO BALKAN 2005 International Trade Fair for Home Textile Products, Commercially Used Textiles, Carpets, Textile Machines and AccessoriesBelgrade, SerbiaA&L EXPO, Belgrade5000
2005ECO PCCM - Eco-Houses Based on Eco-Friendly Polymer Composite Construction MaterialsBelgrade, SerbiaInstitute of Chemistry,Technology and Metallurgy, Belgrade80
2005COMPLEX ANGIOPLASTY UP TO CTO - International Cardiology WorkshopBelgrade, SerbiaCardiology Association of Serbia100
2005International Tourism ShowBanja Luka, Bosnia and HerzegovinaBanja Luka Trade Fair10000
2005South East European Congress of Chemical Engineering - SEECChEBelgrade, SerbiaSerbian Chemical Society700